Cars / Spares Rover




Auto Parts for Rover

Rover is a British company, which is involved in manufacturing of automobiles. The company was founded in 1878 under the name of Starley & Sutton Co. Earlier stage, it was involved with the production of bicycles in 1885. The brand began designing and building motorcycles and cars Rover vehicles Land Rover was dobaveni to the range since 1948.

Although they were controlled by the state, Leyland Motor Corporation in 1967, thus the company was merged with the corporation, Rover retains its identity first as an independent division and subsidiary of Leyland Motor. 50s and 60s were very successful for the company. In 1979, British Leyland (or as it is now officially known, BL Ltd) began a long relationship with Honda Motor Company - Japan.

Austin Rover Group was established in 1982 as a subsidiary of mass-market car manufacturing BL. Rover became the primary brand of the then and recently renamed Rover Group in 1988. The company passes through the hands of British Aerospace and then becomes the property of BMW Group. BMW led to the revival of the Rover brand in 90 years. In 2000, BMW sold MG activities related to the group of the Rover Group Phoenix Consortium, who established MG Rover Group.

BMW retains ownership of the brand Rover, allowing MG Rover to use her license. In April 2005 the carrots cars Rover, cease to be produced by MG Rover, due to bankruptcy. BMW sold the Rover brand to Ford in 2006. In March 2008, Ford reached agreement with Tata Motors - India to include the Rover brand to a part of the sale of Jaguar Land Rover, alongside related Daimler and Lanchester brands.