Trucks / Service


Servicing of heavy duty trucks

Maintenance of heavy trucks that carry heavy loads is much more difficult than in a normal car. Heavy trucks are often associated with their continued use, which leads to their frequent servicing. This service should be a priority for the vehicle if we want to create fewer problems. Here we will discuss and examine procedures for maintenance and how often to perform them.

Changing the oil is probably the best insurance that you have to maintain good and proper operation of the internal combustion engine. Schedule for servicing a truck depends on the truck and how it is used. In intensive work, a truck must attend service for oil change and filter change every 5,000 km. When the truck moves in traffic where the truck's engine is idling a lot, it is necessary to know that the oil breaks down faster.

Service replaces the old with the new oil, which has a better viscosity, resulting in less wear on the parts of the engine of the truck. The next necessary and important step in the truck visit is to review and service the gearbox and clutch.

Gearboxes for trucks are lubricated by the transmission oil and must be replaced occasionally. Service technicians recommend truck gearbox oil be changed about every eighty thousand kilometers. This also applies to the servicing of the truck differential. Truck tires should be rotated periodically to allow even wear.

The other thing that is necessary for proper tire wear is a weekly check for proper pressure in them, leading to a smoother ride and better stability. Overly inflated tires are bad and remember that tires that have low air pressure generate a lot more heat.

Heat is the biggest enemy of tires, causing them to wear more quickly. Engine fluids and coolant should be checked more often than in regular passenger vehicles. When serviced, the suspension needs to be examined considering the heavy load that it carries. Modern trucks have a lot more features than trucks decades ago, where there are many more parts, components and elements that require constant maintenance.

Timely service of trucks is vital for your business. If you are in need of spare parts and service kits for your truck such as air filters, oil filters, fuel filters, belts, timing chains and others, please send inquiries about them to, then will be sent offers and great price selections for certain brands of spare parts.